Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 4: Fresh Air

Woke up pretty early this morning around 7AM. My mom is coming into town to visit and help with whatever I still need. I felt extra energetic today and was able to administer all my meds and meals myself. Was it exhausting? Hell yes! But I felt proud and continue to feel blessed how well I am recovering.

Day 4 of Double Jaw Surgery

I think today my swelling is worse than yesterday. Looking at these photos - it really doesn't look that bad still though!

Chatter Box
My mom came around noon and we talked a lot! It felt great to talk and move my lips. Everyone can understand me fine. My speech may be a bit muffled as can be expected, but for the most part, people can understand you.  I did a lot of talking and after a while, it got the best of me. I was wiped out and had to take a nap for an hour.
I can sort of smile now.

Venturing Outdoors
After waking up a bit more refreshed, we decided to take a walk around my neighborhood to get some fresh air and be a little active. Boy, oh boy - that was a nice change! It was beautiful out and I live in a mixed-use community where everything is super convenient. A Mixed-Use Community is basically a development that combines residential with commercial uses, making a much more pleasant living situation. My neighborhood is an up and coming development where everything is walkable, with a Target, movie theater, restaurants (none that I can enjoy now), clothing shops, specialty shops, etc. all surrounded by apartments and townhouses. Anyway, we walked down to one of the newly opened jewelry shops and redeemed my free voucher for a pair of custom made earrings I gifted my mom.

You select what type of jewelry, metal, stone, and color you want and they assemble it
right in front of you! Pretty cool.

We looped back home and I was tired again. It was really nice getting some fresh air and moving my legs a bit more than just around the apartment.

I didn't go to bed until 10PM today. After my mom left, I sat and watched TV for hours. All the talking from earlier caused my jaw and nose to feel extremely tight and the TV noise gave me ear fatique. I was just ready to shut everything off and pass out.

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