Saturday, November 14, 2015

Day 16: Operational Cost

Day 16 of Double Jaw Surgery
I received an informational letter in the mail today from the hospital outlining how much each part of the surgery cost. Holy moly! It was a lot. I never really knew how much it would cost because every single surgeon I've spoken to (6+) never gave me even a ballpark figure, I guess because they didn't want to misspeak and then be held against that figure if it differed. Well here it is below! However, it may vary for other people.

My personal deductible was $1100 and the splint cost $1388. I have yet to receive any additional bills. I originally had the option to get a genioplasty and get a chin but my surgeon ended up not recommending it and not necessary after analyzing my 3D photos. If I had gotten it done though, it would have been an additional $5000 or so out of pocket because that would've been a cosmetic procedure outside of the medical necessity of the jaw surgery.

Once this is all over and I'm back on a normal food diet, I will compile all my expenses of liquid diet foods, prep materials, etc. to see what the ultimate cost amounted to be.


  1. Hey Tina, I'm on day 20 of recovery from double jaw surgery and genioplasty (with added removal of all 4 wisdom teeth). It's quite strange seeing such large figures, I live in Australia and almost everything was covered by medicare, I just had to pay $110 for some medical imaging and miscellaneous things then I was set. Also, in terms of food, I was able to start eating soft foods right out of surgery and can start eating normal food at the 6 week mark- can't wait! Your blog is awesome, hope you recover fast and well :)

    1. Wow! You got a lot done. Yeah, American medical costs differ greatly. That's fantastic that your cost was so low! Because my doc didn't end up putting the splint in my mouth, I had to remain rubber banned shut longer than usual, so unfortunately I am STILL on a liquid diet. I can't wait to have some scrambled eggs haha. Thank you so much for following! I want to start a facebook group with all of us going through the same thing, but need to be friends with them on FB to start a group. lol.
